Asparagus - Sweet Purple
Asparagus - Sweet Purple
Sweet Purple Asparagus is about 20% sweeter than the typical green asparagus varieties. It is so sweet that it can be eaten raw. The deep-burgundy coloured asparagus spears are generally larger than green varieties, more tender and less stringy. When it is cooked, it has a mild, nutty flavor. but the colour disappears with the cooking. Sweet Purple is also hardier than many of the green varieties.
Asparagus is a hardy perennial vegetable that is productive for many years. Plant where you want them to stay as they do not like their roots to be disturbed. It grows well in neutral to slightly acidic soil with good drainage. The ferns require lots of space.
Companions: strawberries, rhubarb, horseradish, comfrey, cilantro, dill, marigolds, nasturtiums, and asters.
Harvest: mid to late summer
Light: Full Sun to part shade
Days to Maturity: Harvest in year 2 or 3
Height: 2 m Width: 0.6 m
Spacing: 12-18" between root tips
Zone: 3
Light: Full Sun to part shade (at least 6 hours direct sun per day)
Drought Resistant: Some